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Madon offers the following payment options :

  1. MTN Mobile Money
  2. Orange Money
  3. Cash on delivery
  4. Credit card
  1. Initiate a return by clicking here and go to ORDERS then click on the order of the item(s) you wish to return 
  2. Select the number of items you wish to return, the reason of the return and give us more details to help us identify the issue with the product 
  3. Select your preferred refund method 
  4. Choose your ideal return process : Return the item yourself to one of our eligible drop-off stations 
  5. Check your information and submit your return request 


  • Digital products and promotional items are not eligible for returns.
  • Products unsealed by the consumer cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.

In case of defective products, you have the opportunity to receive the same product or to simply receive a refund after the return of the defective product.